Free Tibet
Manifesto, messaging and tone of voice

A voice for the most oppressed people on earth


Once a cause célèbre, China’s atrocities in Tibet have somewhat dropped off the news agenda. Yet according to Human Rights Watch, Tibet is still the least free nation on earth. 

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Free Tibet is non-profit, non-governmental organisation fighting to give Tibetans a voice. We created a bold manifesto, striking messaging and guidelines for an unmistakable new tone of voice to help Free Tibet recapture some of the urgency and outrage that made them such a popular cause in the 1990s.

“I love it. I just love it. In fact, I’m slightly annoyed I didn’t come up with it.”

Will Hoyles, Head of Comms

  • Workshop



    Tone of voice

  • To Jason, Sam and everyone at Free Tibet for your infectious indignation (in between protest marches). To Fat Beehive for the striking visual design – and bringing us on board.

"We see you, China" Free Tibet typographic in front of an image of a Tibetan child's eyes.
"Tibet is the least free country on earth" Free Tibet typographic alongside an image of a Tibetan man.
"You won't hear about Tibet on the news" Free Tibet typographic.
Mocked up Free Tibet posters read "Tibet is the least free country in the world" and "You won't hear about Tibet on the news".
"We see you, China. And the world will know what you're doing" Free Tibet key message.
Free Tibet tone principle 1: Be confrontational, but constructive.
Free Tibet hero message: Tibet is the least free country on earth. An apartheid regime of mass surveillance and deafening silence. Inside Tibet, everything is watched. Outside, nothing is seen. But we see it.
Free Tibet typographic.

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